Dipping into the Portland stash again tonight...
Bar Harbor Thunder Hole Ale: Brilliant mahogany color. Fizzy off white head that disappears quickly. Chocolate and roast aromas. A touch of dark fruit aroma - raisins, plums. In the flavor, more roast than chocolate. Some of the fruitiness up front, but hop bitterness and carbonation dominate the mouthfeel. Somewhat surprising for a beer that starts out like a chocolatey English style brown ale.
Stone Coast Brewing Jamaican Style Stout: Pours black with a thin tan head. Strong alcohol aroma. Sweet smelling, like milk chocolate and toffee. Some fruity esters become more apparent in the flavor. Starts sweet and finishes with roast, hop bitterness, and alcohol warming. Very full bodied with fairly high carbonation. Definitely hits the mark with sweetness, alcohol, and body, but personally I prefer these kinds of Caribbean stouts to have a bit more roast up front.
I have to say, it confounds me that these breweries don't keep any information on their seasonals (or what I assume to be seasonals) on their sites. I'd rather link to their sites than Beer Advocate reviews, but whatev. Their loss, missing out on valuable linkage from the ever popular Destination Beer blog.
4 years ago
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